Hey there =)
Am one of the contributors on this blog by Huber's Butchery =)
I'm a local and a typical girl-next-door. I'm an advocator of home-cooked food, home-made ice-cream, cakes, crafts, gifts, etc (in other words, anything home-made).
I picked up cooking about 2 years ago and I must emphasize that I am still learning (think soggy noodles). I do not (yet) have an expensive kitchen or extensive & pretty kitchenware. But I am happy with what I have now for they are sufficient for me to prepare a meal! =)
I tend to use simple recipes for I hardly have time for elaborate ones after my other hobbies like baking, scrapbooking, photography, gardening, online shopping and chilling out with my sweeethearts..
Again, I say, I am no chef. With my posts here, I hope to turn the trend around and see more home entertainment and home-cooked home. Cooking at home isn't as daunting as you may think =)